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Blended Families Ministry

Welcome to the Blended Families Ministryâ„¢ website.  We are pleased you have come to visit us.  We are dedicated to the restoration and reconciliation of blended families.  We offer curriculum for individual and group study that is certified for credit at the Phoenix University of Theology.  We also have several pages on Facebook available for the discussion of specific issues you may have relating to Blended Families.

Our Vision

Our vision is to reach and teach one husband, one wife, one child and one family at a time to break the cycle of divorce through educating families on how to successfully blend "Yours, Mine and Ours".


Our Mission


Our mission is to work with hurting families that are struggling to blend into a well-functioning family unit. Our target audience consists of those that have been married and through either divorce or the death of a spouse are now either remarried or planning to remarry.  For the soon-to-be married, let us help you get things started on the right foot.  For those already married, let us help you get things in the proper order.

Facebook links


BlendedFamilies Snapp

Blended Families Ministry

Beyond Divorce - Blended Families



We offer Marriage and Family Counseling Services and life coaching.  In person, over the phone and even via Skype.


We also offer training and certification for church leaders to be able to teach our Blended Families and Beyond Divorce curriculum.  


Our classes are normally taught 3 times per year with a break in the summer.




Premarital Flyer by Roberta.jpg
Inside left right Premarital Invitation for web.png

Register and

purchase seats for

the October 22nd

 Premarital seminar

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October 22nd
$75 per couple

October 22nd
$40 per single

Gtrace Walk August 21 Flyer.png

Register and

purchase seats for

the August 21st marriage seminar

Grace Walk Church
7840 W Lower Buckeye Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85043

Subscribe for Updates

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We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special event schedules





















                       click to enlarge image


Call Dr. Carol for more information regarding registration for the classes.-

(602)-421-4054.  Email us at to sign up for classes.

2021 BFM class schedules.JPG
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August 21st, 2022 
$20 per person

Blended Families Ministy, Phoenix, Arizona. Proudly created with

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